Strong Community

Building a Strong Community: Feeding Northeast Florida Virtual Food Drive

By Whitney Harper on 05.26.2020
Man holding a box of food

The ADVOS team is committed to helping our community remain strong through the COVID-19 crisis. While we’ve been helping businesses navigate the impact of the pandemic and new legislation, we also recognize that record numbers of people are without work. In our own community, Feeding Northeast Florida has seen 2-3 times the usual number of households seeking food assistance.

With that in mind, ADVOS is participating in Feeding Northeast Florida’s Virtual Food Drive for the month of May. Our goal is to help address the increased need with healthy, nutritious food, so families in our community won’t go hungry. Won’t you join us? Every dollar matters: $40 provides 5 produce boxes, and $100 provides 4 family meal boxes.

Here’s to building #strongcommunity
